智利通過嚴禁鯊魚割鰭棄身法案皮尤環境組織(The Pew Environment Group)報導,智利總統已簽署一項嚴禁在智利水域從事鯊魚割鰭棄身的法案。在智利與秘魯毗鄰的租房子北方邊界往南方延伸逾4,000英哩的水域內發現的53種鯊魚將受到該法案的保護。美國、關島、北馬里安納群島及馬紹爾群島已於過去7個月內陸續通過禁止鯊魚割鰭棄身G2000法案,智利則跟進簽署今年最新法案。巴哈馬及宏都拉斯也成立禁止鯊魚作業的鯊魚保護區。那些跟隨帛琉及馬爾地夫通過禁止鯊魚作業法案的國家,必定深諳鯊魚觀光婚禮顧問收益遠高於鯊魚作業的道理。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 15/2011,16 August 2011)The Pew Environment Group reports that Chile’s president has 酒店經紀signed a law that bans shark finning in Chilean waters. The new law will help conserve some of the 53 shark species found in Chilean waters, an 西服area that stretches more than 4000 miles from the country’s northern border with Peru to the Southern Ocean. Chile’s new law comes as the latest 西裝外套of several shark finning bans this year. The United States, the US territories of Guam and the Northern Marianas Islands and the Marshall Islands 訂做禮服have passed shark finning bans in the past seven months. The Bahamas and Honduras meanwhile have created shark sanctuaries, where shark fishing is 室內裝潢prohibited. Those countries joined Palau and the Maldives, which have passed laws based on their realization that live sharks for tourism can 酒店打工generate more money than dead ones.  

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